Mark's Gospel - "Your Kingdom Come"
Our spring 2019 series is from Mark's Gospel entitled, "Your Kingdom Come." We see Jesus' first recorded words in Mark's Gospel, "‘The time has come,’ he said. ‘The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!’" (1:15).
In Jesus, God's Kingdom has broken into our world in a special way, 'The time' that Jesus refers to is a 'kairos' moment, a significant time in the purposes of God, as opposed to our normal 'chronos' chronological time.
So, we will be exploring what it means for God's Kingdom to come close to us through the person of Jesus, and how we can respond to him as God's chosen King. And in Mark's Gospel there is a real emphasis on the call to discipleship, which we will be seeking to understand and grow in together.
January 6th 2019
The Kingdom of God is all about Jesus (Mark 1:1, 14-20)
Read & Reflect: Mark 1:1-39
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January 13th
Jesus forgives sin and welcomes the sick (Mark 2:1-12)
Read & Reflect: Mark 1:40-2:17
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January 20th
Jesus has authority over the law (Mark 2:18-3:6)
Read & Reflect: Mark 2:18-3:35
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February 3rd
Fruitfulness in the Kingdom (Mark 4:1-20)
Read & Reflect: Mark 4:1-34
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February 10th
Jesus has power over chaos (Mark 4:35-41)
Read & Reflect: Mark 4:35-5:43
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February 17th
Trust in the true King (Mark 6:1-16)
Read & Reflect: Mark 6:1-56
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March 3rd
A Kingdom for all who believe (Mark 7:24-30)
Read & Reflect: Mark 7:1-8:21
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March 10th
The Mission of the King (Mark 8:22-38)
Read & Reflect: Mark 8:22-9:29
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March 17th
Entry into the Kingdom (Mark 10:13-34)
Read & Reflect: Mark 9:30-10:52
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March 31st
The King comes to the Temple (Mark 11)
Read & Reflect: Mark 11:1-12:44
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April 7th
The future of the Kingdom (Mark 13)
Read & Reflect: Mark 13
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April 14th
Jesus the anointed King (Mark 14:1-11)
Read & reflect: Mark 14
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April 19th
Jesus the crucified King (All age Good Friday service) (Mark 15)
Read & Reflect: Mark 15
April 21st (Easter Sunday)
Jesus the risen King (Mark 16:1-8)
Read & Reflect: Mark 16
[Listen] [Sermon notes]