First and foremost, we'd love to see you!
You'll find us a friendly group of people who, apart from meeting together on Sunday for worship, have lots of activities during the week for people of all shapes, sizes and background. Everyone in the neighbourhood is welcome, and we love to have people visiting us from further afield as well!
For each Sunday other than the fourth in each month our 10.30am morning service usually starts with singing (to a YouTube recording or occasionally live music) and sharing together in prayer. The service leader may include a specific talk or item for the younger congregation. At about 10.50am the under 16s leave us for their own activities after which we sing again and read the day's Bible passage. The speaker then delivers the sermon from about 11.05am. We finish with another song and prayer by about 11.45am. Fifteen minutes of informal time then follows during which tea, coffee and light refreshments are served, after which the under 16s rejoin the rest of the congregation for refreshments and chat. We normally wrap up (and tidy up!) by about 12.30.
On the fourth Sunday of the month we meet for the Lord's Supper.
More details about what we do on Sundays (including our young people's groups) and during the week is on our 'Ministries' page.