Walking by Faith
The Bible says that without faith it is impossible to please God.
Hebrews 11:1 and 2 tells us: ”Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.”
Between May and July 2019, we are going to see what it was about these “ancients” that made them take bold steps in obedience to God, and how those steps of faith changed the course of history.
All of these principles we can apply to both our individual lives and the life of the church today.

May 12th 2019
Abel: the simplicity of faith (Genesis 4:7)
[Sermon notes] [Listen]
May 19th
Abraham: the obedience of faith (Genesis 22)
[Sermon notes] [Listen]
June 2nd
Joseph: the fruitfulness of faith (Genesis 49:22 (45: 5-7; 50:19-20))
[Sermon notes] [Listen]
June 9th
Moses: the rewards of faith (Exodus 13 -14)
[Sermon notes] [Listen]
June 16th
Joshua: the condition for faith (Joshua 23)
[Sermon notes] [Listen]
June 30th
David: the heart of faith (1 Samuel 16; Acts 13:22)
[Sermon notes] [Listen]
July 7th
Esther: the courage of faith (Esther 4:15-16)
[Sermon notes] [Listen]
July 14th
Jonah: the humility of faith (Jonah 4)
[Sermon notes] [Listen]
July 21st
Hezekiah: the determination of faith (2 Kings 18-20)
[Sermon notes] [Listen]