Lord’s Supper Celebrations
At Paulsgrove Baptist Church we celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the 4th Sunday of each month, and we do this a bit differently than most churches today! We’re trying to recreate in some way the atmosphere and idea behind the Lord’s Supper that we find in the pages of the New Testament.
Jesus, at the Last Supper, took elements of the Jewish Passover meal to explain to his disciples that he would die for their sins on the cross – this is the best news that mankind can ever hear: being given a fresh start and drawn back into a relationship with God! Early Christians would meet regularly to eat the Lord’s Supper together as a meal, and took the bread and wine, as Jesus told them to, as a way to celebrate his sacrifice, remember the importance of his death, and to encourage each other that he’s coming back to take all believers with him to a perfect new creation.
And so, at PBC, our Lord’s Suppers are seeking to reflect this New Testament practice. We meet around tables, eat some food together, discuss an aspect of what Jesus has achieved for us through the cross, sing praise to God, and share the bread and juice to celebrate and remember the cross. It’s an open time, a family meal, where everyone is welcome, young and old, believer and enquirer, to explore and celebrate Jesus together.
Of course, eating the bread and drinking the juice is not the way someone becomes a Christian – that is only possible by faith in Jesus. Celebrating the Lord’s Supper is a way for Christians to remember and keep the cross at the centre of their lives. If you don’t yet know Jesus personally, being present and hearing more about Jesus’ wonderful love that led him to the cross, may help you understand and hopefully come to that decision to put your faith in Jesus!
2020 Series
Through 2020, we are going to be focusing our Lord's Suppers on some of the names of God found in Scripture. As we recognise the many names that God owns, we will appreciate the richness of His character and draw closer to Him by faith. We will be seeing how each of God's names also points to Jesus, as we marvel at God's perfect plan of salvation through the cross.
23rd February: Elohim – my Creator
22nd March: Yahweh – my Lord God [watch] [download service worksheet]
26th April: El-Shaddai – Almighty God [watch] [worksheet 1] [worksheet 2]
24th May: Adonai – my Master [watch] [worksheet 1] [worksheet 2]
28th June: Yahweh Jireh – my Provider [watch] [worksheet 1] [worksheet 2]
26th July: Yahweh Rophe – my Healer [watch] [worksheet]
23rd August: Yahweh Nissi – my Banner [watch] [worksheet]
27th September: Yahweh M’Kaddesh – my Sanctifier [watch] [worksheet]
25th October: Yahweh Tsidkenu – my Righteousness [watch] [worksheet]
22nd November: Yahweh Shalom – my Peace [watch] [worksheet]
27th December: Yahweh Rohi – my Shepherd [watch] [worksheet]
24th January 2021: Yahweh Shammah – my Abiding Presence [watch] [worksheet]
Our 2021 series, God willing, will continue the theme as we look at the names of Jesus.