Seeking after God's own heart
Growing in faith from the life of King David
How does the world define a successful life?
Plenty of money and comforts?
Good looks and a defined body?
Climbing the career ladder?
A dream relationship and family?
We can chase after many things, but we all ask at some point in our lives, “What really counts?”
God looks to things that matter eternally, not the temporary successes which can fade as quickly as they are attained.
In His description of King David, God said, “the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him ruler of his people” (1 Samuel 13:14). God’s choice as leader of his people was someone who sought after His heart – one who loved and desired to follow the Lord above all else.
David’s life wasn’t smooth – he faced threats to his life from his predecessor and family members.
David certainly wasn’t perfect – he committed some calamitous sins with huge consequences.
And yet, the New Testament records that “God testified concerning him: ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.’” (Acts 13:22).
As we learn from the life of King David and seek to grow in faith in Jesus, we’re going to spend 3 seasons over this year understanding how we might seek after God’s own heart, just as David did.
Let’s be convinced that a successful life is one that seeks after God.
Let’s ask God to shape our hearts so they become more like His.
Let’s enjoy the eternal blessings that flow from knowing the Lord!

12th May 2024
2 Samuel 13 - A family affair
19th May
2 Samuel 15 - Conspiracies and confidants
2nd June
2 Samuel 18:1-19:8 - A sad victory
9th June
2 Samuel 19:9-20:2 - Welcome home?
16th June
2 Samuel 22 - David’s song of praise
30th June
2 Samuel 23:1-7 - David’s last words are not The Final Word
7th July
Discipleship in the 21st Century (Matthew 4:12-5:1, 7:21-29)
14th July
1 Kings 1 - An heir raising episode
21st July
1 Kings 2:1-12 - Deathbed decrees