Easter series 2021: Cross Purposes
“Why did Jesus die on the cross?”
The cross is the worldwide symbol of Christianity, and our faith as Christians is based on Jesus’ sacrifice and his rising from the dead.
We often summarise that the reason for Jesus’ death was to bring forgiveness for our sins, which it did, and his resurrection offers us eternal life, which it does.
But our salvation isn’t simply a future hope. It is a present reality too. Knowing and trusting in Jesus brings change to our lives right now, which encourages us to anticipate even more what is ahead, through faith.
In this Easter period, we will be looking at some of the characters in the story around Jesus’ death and resurrection, and discover the transformation that took place in their lives, as they understood and embraced Jesus as Messiah.
The purpose of the cross was to bring us new life – what might Jesus do in your life this Easter?

7th March 2021
Mary of Bethany: The God who transforms hearts (Mark 14:1-11)
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14th March
Barabbas: The God who takes our place (Matthew 27:11-26)
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21st March
The thief on the cross: The God who makes late rescues (Luke 23:26-43)
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2nd April (Good Friday)
The Roman centurion: The God who opens blind eyes (Mark 15:29-39)
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4th April (Easter Sunday)
Mary Magdalene: The God who brings new life (John 20:11-18)
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11th April
Thomas: The God who erases our doubts (John 20:24-29)
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18th April
Peter: The God who offers second chances (John 21:1-19)
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