We are a local Church, active in serving and reaching our local community.
Pastoral Care
We have a pastoral care team who spend time praying with people and for people - as well as supporting those facing crises.
Food Bank - Thursday, 12 noon - 2pm
The Food Bank is part of the Portsmouth Food Bank run under the umbrella of the Trussell Trust.
How does it work?
The Foodbanks are non-judgemental and inclusive, providing assistance to people of all backgrounds and all faiths or none who are found to be in genuine need. All the food that is distributed by the Foodbank has been donated by people within the community and by various local churches and sorted by volunteers.
Who can receive food parcel?
Anyone in a crisis!
For example: • Unemployment • Benefit Changes & Delays • Refused Crisis Loan • Delayed Wages • Debt • Homelessness • Low Income • Sickness
Domestic Violence • Child Holiday Meals • Other problems
Who issues Food Vouchers?
Frontline care professionals such as doctors, council & social workers, Sure Start Children’s Centres & church pastoral workers identify people in a crisis and issue a food voucher. Clients receive three days of nutritionally balanced, non-perishable food in exchange for their food voucher.

Frontline Debt Advice (Thursdays)
Need help with benefit or other financial advice? Frontline Debt is a faith-based charity based at the church who can help you with budgeting, creditor negotiation, applications for debt relief orders or bankruptcy. If necessary we can even help you to respond to court action.
Frontline debt runs drop-in sessions on Thursdays between 12 noon and 2pm, by appointment only. Please contact us using the details below.
For more information see our leaflet or email paulsgrove@frontlinedebtadvice.org.uk