The BIG Questions
“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” (1 Peter 3:15)
Big issues in life bring forth big questions.
Our world and our lives have been turned upside down over the past year, bringing stress and confusion in various measures.
I wonder what questions and struggles have emerged in your life?
How many of them have you directed at God, crying out for clarity about Himself, about faith and about life?
We asked our church to come up with some of the big questions they and those around them are asking at this time, and have shaped a mini series on relevant topics.
We hope that by looking biblically at these important issues together, we might find hope in God and point others towards His goodness and grace.

10th January 2021
God and Suffering: Does He Care?
[Notes] [Watch / listen]
17th January 2021
God and Science: Can They Mix?
[Notes] [Watch / listen]
24th January 2021
Lord's Supper
31st January 2021
God and Relationships: His Good Design?
[Notes] [Watch / listen]
7th February 2021
God and Hell: Is He Love?
[Notes] [Watch / listen]
14th February 2021
God and the Holy Spirit: How Does He Help Me?
[Notes] [Watch / Listen]
21st February 2021
God, Angels and the Devil: Is There More Than Meets The Eye?
[Notes] [Watch / Listen]