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Advent 2022
4th December, 10.30am
Hope: 1 Cor13:13; Isaiah 62; Psalm 130; Romans 15: 13
11th December, 10.30am
Faith: 1 Cor 13:13; Hebrews 11:1; Romans 1:17; 3:22; 4:5; 5:1
18th December, 10.30am:
Love (all age service): 1 Cor 13:13; Psalm 103; John 15: 9-17
18th December, 7.00pm (Carol Service)
Peace: Isa: 26:3; 9:6; Luke 2:14; John 14: 27; Rom 5:1; Col 1:20
25th December, 10.30am (Christmas morning service)
Joy: Luke 2:8-20 especially verse 10
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