ADVENT 2018 - "Homeless to bring us home"
Advent is the time when the church prepares for Christmas. It is a time when we remember the events surrounding Jesus’ birth and look forward to his return. Advent is also a time for us to reflect. To think about the direction and focus of our lives.
Over the centuries and especially since the Victorian times Christmas has lost touch with the real-life experiences of the people involved. Rather than it being a time of comfort and family gatherings it was a time of hardship and separation from family and home.
This series began with a Radio 4 Thought for Today broadcast by the Rev Sam Wells a few days before Christmas 2017. Following a news item on homelessness he highlighted how much homelessness there is in the Christmas Story. Mary and Joseph (No rooms free in Bethlehem), The Magi (Weeks on the road following a star), The Shepherds (Working on the hills away from home), Jesus (Who left his Heavenly home).
We will remember why people risked so much to be a part of God’s story. We will reflect on our willingness to be people of faith today. We will remember we are not home yet. There is a heavenly home where we will find eternal comfort, peace and unbroken relationships with God and one another.
As a church family we face a crossroads in the life of the church as Dave takes over the leadership. God calls us to be people of faith, and faith involves a willingness to walk through discomfort with our eyes fixed firmly on the future comfort we will enjoy eternally. Advent is a great opportunity to remember those who walked by faith, a great opportunity to reflect on our own walk of faith and to re-affirm our commitment to walk in step with the Holy Spirit, bringing Glory to the One the angels proclaimed that First Christmas.
December 2nd 2018
Advent – Homeless by decree Luke 2: 1 – 7 [Sermon notes]
[Sorry no recording]
December 9th 2018
Advent – Homeless by choice Matthew 2: 1 – 12 [Listen] [Sermon notes]
December 16th 2018
Advent – Homeless by design Philippians 2: 1 – 11 [Listen] [Sermon notes]