Advent 2016
The season of expectancy
As we approach the Christmas season, our minds are often filled with what this time of year will bring us. Our Advent series will remind us that God's gift of His Son Jesus is the most precious gift of all. We'll be looking together at some of the encounters at the beginning of Luke's Gospel to help us prepare for Christmas by looking forward to celebrating again God entering our world with a message of hope, love and security - the very things He knows our hearts really need!
27.11.2016: Luke 1:5-25, "Bringing us back to the Lord our God" (key verse - 16) focussing on the character and role of John the Baptist
04.12.2016: Luke 1:26-38, "Bringing us under God's everlasting rule" (key verse - 33) focussing on the angel Gabriel's message of the birth of Christ to Mary
11.12.2016: Luke 1:39-56 "Bringing us joy in God our saviour" (key verse - 47) focussing on Mary's heartfelt response to God's promise
18.12.2016: Luke 2:1-20 "Bringing us the Messiah we always needed" (key verse - 11) focussing on the birth of Jesus (informal all age service)