Vision 2020 - Our vision and values
Paulsgrove Baptist Church’s mission is:
“Growing Lifelong Disciples of Jesus Christ, by being a Christian, Caring, Community”
Vision for PBC: “I see a church”
I see a church of people trusting, following, and seeking joy in Jesus Christ, above all things in their lives. A church being transformed by the grace of Christ and lovingly praying for the transformation of those around them.
A church convicted by the necessity and centrality of the cross, and living in the power of the Holy Spirit to grow as the body of Christ together. A church which enjoys the sweetness of God’s Word, the Bible, and where everyone has a part to play in speaking words of truth into the lives of others – sharing the Gospel with the lost, and building believers in the faith.
A church that makes space and time for real relationships, where there is honesty and sharing, accountability and trust. A church that prioritises investment in people over busyness with activity. A church that is prepared to cut back on programmes if it means being more effective in making disciples.
I see a church where everyone is growing as a disciple of Jesus, and feels equipped to help grow disciples of others. A church which is truly a family of God, as the generations mix and love, and people appreciate and celebrate their differences, in the wonder of the love of Christ that brings us all together.
A community where there is a unity in the Spirit and of purpose in seeking Christ together.
A church where there is genuine care and compassion in looking out for one another, meeting each other’s needs, and pointing each other to the One whose yoke is easy and burden is light. A church that doesn’t downplay life’s hardships, but doesn’t succumb to them either – a church that lives in hope and not fear.
A church that is prepared to take risks for Jesus, not growing comfortable and maintaining what we have.
A church that doesn’t simply exist to make us happy but to make us holy.
A church living boldly for Jesus in this world, longing for that day when we will meet him face to face, and our transformation into his likeness will finally be complete.
A church “Growing lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ – by being a Christian, Caring, Community.”
Our Values
“Growing Lifelong Disciples of Jesus Christ” – being transformed into the image of Christ as we trust and obey him (Matthew 28:16-20)
A Christian Church (Acts 2:42-47)
1. The Bible as God’s Word is our ultimate authority (v.42)
2. Christ crucified is our primary hope (v.42)
3. Our Prayerfulness demonstrates our deep dependence on the Father (v.42)
4. The indwelling power of the Holy Spirit enables us to live for God (v.43)
A Caring Church (Acts 2:42-47)
5. Our Humility creates unity and a common bond (v.44)
6. Our Servant hearts follow Jesus’ sacrificial example (v.44)
7. Our Generosity looks to meet others’ needs in Christ (v.45)
A Community Church (Acts 2:42-47)
8. We are Family, and are involved in each other’s lives (v.42, 44, 46)
9. Our Teamwork demonstrates our interdependence in serving Jesus (v.46)
10. We are Outward-looking,seeking to reach others for Christ (v.46-47)

5th January 2020
"Growing Lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ" (Matthew 26:16-20) [Notes]
12th January 2020
"A Christian Church" (Acts 2:42-47) [Notes]
19th January 2020
"A Caring Church" (Acts 2:42-47) [Notes]
26th January (Lord’s Supper)
“A Community Church” (Acts 2:42-47)
On 3rd January 2021 we considered our vision afresh in light of events throughout 2020. The recording is below and the worksheet for the talk as available here.